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Jul 26, 2018

UCLA Hillel Rabbi Aaron Lerner shares the ups and downs of being a pro-Israel activist on one of the world's most famous college campuses.

Jul 18, 2018

Award-winning Hollywood showrunner Rob Long talks about happiness, craziness and, of course, Donald Trump. 

David Suissa and Rob Long

Follow Rob and Ricochet...

Jul 10, 2018

Howard Kaplan dives into his latest film Damascus Cover. 

The film is about an Israeli spy, Ari Ben-Zion, haunted by the death of his son, is recalled to Jerusalem after a failed attempt to bring a mole back to Israel alive. Unsure how many of its operatives have been exposed, the Mossad assigns Ari to smuggle...

Jul 8, 2018

Yogini Shana Meyerson unpacks her journey into yoga and how it changed her life. Shana runs yoga programs for people of all ages, from her YOGAthletica practice for adults to mini yogis, a yoga program for both typically developing and special needs children. 

If you book a class with Shana and mention The David...