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Mar 24, 2023

Why is the crisis in Israel so deep and unprecedented? Why is it getting worse? Why is Israel quickly approaching a constitutional crisis? And who and what can stop it? Shanni and David discuss the issue on everyone's lips-- but don't worry, they also talk about the upcoming Season 4 of their favorite...

Mar 17, 2023

David Brog and Dr Mihir Meghani discuss a growing Hindu-Jewish alliance in America, the commonalities between the two ancient civilizations, and a shared love for the American dream.

  • Fighting BDS on campus
  • Hindu experience in America
  • Bond between India and Israel
  • Threats to American future
  • A new coalition for...

Mar 11, 2023

Shanni and David discuss the power of words, in comedy and in life, and get into a spirited debate on the value of engaging in the culture wars.

Topic List:

  • HBO's Crashing

  • Stand up comedy

  • Chris Rock's new Netflix special 

  • The Jewish laws on donating organs 

  • Jewish medical ethics

  • Identity politics

  • Jordan...

Mar 3, 2023

Shanni and David discuss this week's JJ cover story on happiness, and veer off into other subjects like Jewish identity, living a life of purpose, the fun of the ad business, and the merits of diversity, among many others.
Topic List:
  • Happiness and how to achieve it
  • Suissa Miller and the ad industry
  • Diversity...

Feb 17, 2023

In this latest episode of L'Dor V'Dor, Shanni and David go through an eventful week, from the Chosen Comedy Festival to the shootings on Pico to the eerie wonders of Chat-Gpt to why Jews are so obsessed with food to a crucial Zoom debate on judicial reforms this Sunday to a recap of the print issue, and lots...